Moving into a new home is a milestone for anyone, whether it's buying or renting. If you're looking for ho...
Moving into a new home is a milestone for anyone, whether it's buying or renting. If you're looking for housewarming gifts for couples, or for someone who's moving alone, then look no further. There's no better way to welcome someone into their new place of residence than with personalised new home gifts. Browse our selection of gifts that will never be found in any other home.
Whether you've been invited to a party or you're going to see a friend for the first time in their new home, it has become commonplace to take a present with you. When browsing, you're often hit with the concern that they might already have that thing, or that everyone will buy the same thing and they just won't know what to do with it. With a stunning range of handmade personalised housewarming gifts, you can rest assured that not only will nobody else show up with the same present, but also that no-one else anywhere will have the same thing.
Searching for housewarming gifts for her tend to be much easier than trying to find housewarming gifts for him. However, with such a fantastic range, it doesn't matter who you're shopping for; there's something for everyone. All of our custom housewarming gifts are handmade to order by our in-house experts. Each item is customised by you, from the design to the detailing, to make sure that your presents are just as unique as the recipient and their new pad. Personalised housewarming gifts are a great way to show your support as they embark on the next stage of their life.
The term housewarming was originally intended to mean just that. Warming the house. When someone moved into a new house, guests would bring firewood and fires would be built in all of the fireplaces within the house. This was done both to warm the house through, as well as to repel evil spirits. It was believed that the atmosphere of warmth would be protective. In medieval times, houses that had been left empty would have been thought of as targets for spirits, and thus, this housewarming custom would cleanse the property so that it was safe for children to live in, as well as warm it through as it had been uninhabited.
Moving home is no small task, and guests are informed of housewarming parties anything from a few days up to a few months in advance of the occasion. Customarily, these guests bring gifts - often being something for the new house. Something to enjoy during the party is also considered an appropriate present. Housewarming parties are sometimes thrown after a home has been significantly changed such as a remodel, renovation, or large extension. Some people invite their friends and family, and some also invite their new neighbours as a way to introduce themselves. There are some communities where the neighbours will arrange a party and bring it to the residents to welcome them to the neighbourhood. In traditional housewarming parties, pot luck meals were common; this is where everyone brought a (hopefully different) dish, which was often home made.
In French-speaking countries, a housewarming is known as a "pendaison de crémaillère" which means 'hanging of the chimney hook'. The chimney hook would control the temperature of food cooking in a large pot on the fire by raising or lowering it above the flames. This was the last part of a house to be built and it marked the beginning of a meal to thank everyone who had participated in its construction.
A "food pounder" is often held in the US, especially in the south. Each guest at this particular type of party would bring a pound of food. Commonly this would be a food which is considered a staple, often with long life and found in a pantry. Things like cheese, flour, and sugar are popular items. In more recent times, tinned food has become increasingly common and sometimes even fresh food is brought, although the main purpose remains to ensure that the hosts, who have just moved into their new home, are set up with the basic foods.
In India it is known as a "Gruha Pravesh" which means 'entering new house', and is a ceremony which often allows a cow to enter the house first. Whereas Russia and former USSR countries believe that cats should be the ones let to enter a new house before anyone else, to bring the family, and the new home, good luck. Traditional Thai housewarming parties are Buddhist rituals. Significant to this ritual are monks, family and friends, and food.
In many countries, bluebirds are often presented. Many people believe that they will bless the new house with good luck and the residents with happiness. In more modern times, items which feature bluebirds are often given, such as china plates or vases. Pineapples and coconuts are common gifts or themes of housewarming as they represent hospitality and warmth. This is something that has been found throughout the history of the Americas. In parts of Scotland and Northern England, a frog is a symbol of good luck for a new house.
Whether you use traditional customs as the root for your designs or start entirely from scratch, creating your own personalised housewarming gifts is a fantastic way to show someone that you're thinking of them, and wishing them all the luck in the world for their new home and future endeavours. Use your favourite photos, pictures of your smiling faces, or even personalise with names to create stunning custom housewarming gifts that can't be found anywhere else. If you can't choose your favourite snap, then you can create a photo collage using our montage tool, or you can even add logos.